About CCS

Cape Cod Seniors

Dedicated to all of our Seniors here on the Cape & Islands


CapeCodSeniors.org is a Socially Responsible Community Service Website
We are online to serve our older population, and it is they, and they alone that this site is dedicated!


There is so much information online it can extremely overwhelming at times to find just what you are looking for.
There is also so much to know and learn about the issues facing our adult population.

Here at CapeCodSeniors.org, our mission is to supply the local senior population and their families with the tools and information neccessary to make informed decisions at a most crutial time in their lives; and to find these resources in One Easy Place.

We are beholding to NO ONE other than the people we are trying to help!  We are not swayed by advertisers, and are not influenced by any entity – we do/will however, make mention of supporters and companies or products we believe in.

Our hope is you will find CapeCodSeniors.org  informative, useful and easy to navigate.


If you have questions, comments or requests
please email anytime info@capecodseniors.org





…….. to Mom and Dad
with Love  

… things to remember as we live our lives
(words from my 100 yr. old Father)

be humble
like yourself
never lie
be a good example
there is no place for selfishness or greed

Thank You Dad!


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